DEFRA Approval of Live Insect Feed for Hens

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Live Calci Worms: DEFRA-Approved

Let’s discuss a common coop misconception: DEFRA banning all insect proteins for our hens. We’re here to clarify this myth and deliver the facts and evidence.

Check out the DEFRA/APHA policy here.

caring for free range chickens

Myth-Busting: The DEFRA Insect-Feed Policy

The truth is, dried and processed insects like mealworms are a no-go for our feathery friends, according to DEFRA. They say, “Dried terrestrial invertebrates (insects) and processed animal proteins (PAPs) of insect origin cannot be used in farm animal feed or treats, like hen treats.” But before your beak turns blue, don’t panic! The “bug ban” doesn’t extend to live insects.

Our dedicated co-founder, Paul, reached out to DEFRA for some real-deal clarification. In return, he received a clear-as-day letter stating that feeding live insects to hens is absolutely LEGAL.

Click the image below to access the APHA/DEFRA guidance:

Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae

The Legal Lowdown: Green Light for Live Insects

In DEFRA’s reply, they shared, “The TSE regulations prohibit the use of dead insects in animal feed… This ban does not apply to live insects, insect fats, and oils.” So, our darling hens won’t be going protein-peckish after all!

Live insects are officially catalogued as “live terrestrial invertebrates, in all their life stages” (EU Regulation 68/2013). This means they’re given the go-ahead in your backyard chicken buffet, provided they meet the animal by-products and TSE regulations, which we make sure they do. We have written confirmation from DEFRA that ECOnourish is compliant!

We are also registered with our local authority Trading Standards Office (TSO), as an animal feed business. Robust legislation Engrained in animal feed law is the overarching requirement that animal feed must be safe to be marketed or fed to animals. TSOs are responsible for enforcing this law. And we are TSO-inspected and approved. So your chickens can indulge in their favourite live insect treats without worry.

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You're just a click away from tackling your hens' boredom, nutrition, stress and health with one easy solution. Get Back Soldier Fly larvae (Calci Worms) live insect hen feed delivered to your door.